The Allure of Glamour.....And Need to Belong

Recently, I received an interview call by a San Francisco based skincare brand to potentially join their research and brand strategy team. On the onset, I looked at the job very practically, trying to align my skills with how I could contribute to the firm. Everything was going rather smoothly and quickly, until I was asked to research the skincare category for my last and final round. My research included a visit to Sephora in the Marina district of San Francisco. As I walked across different aisles studying skincare products and women in those aisles, I couldn’t help but feel less as a person, not having used one single product displayed there. Looking around, every woman in the store was predominantly white wearing Lulu Lemon or Athletica with a flawless skin. Looking at them and the number of products available, I felt terribly embarrassed of not having taken care of my skin like I should in my 30s. Perhaps I should have used skin enhancing products to tighten my sk...